Natural Clear Quartz Earth Heart with Moldavite

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Handmade Handcrafted in USA
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Size 1/2 x 1/2 Inches
Energetic Properties All Chakras • Clarity • Intentions • Spiritual Evolution & Transformation • Calming • Meditation
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Power Duo!
Natural Clear Quartz Earth Heart™
Crowned by a Moldavite Trillion
Set in Sterling Silver

The Earth Heart is carved from natural Clear Quartz and crowned by a beautiful Moldavite trillion. This pendant features the sacred-geometry Earth Heart™ design from the Tools For Evolution Collection. The four-fold geometry signifies both harmony and stability, creating a peaceful refuge in alignment with the deep and pure "Heart of the Earth". The Earth Heart assists in revealing lessons in Oneness and facilitating all of humanity in achieving global consciousness.

Set in a light-gathering Sterling Silver basket setting.  The Clear Quartz measures 1/2" square and the entire pendant with setting is 1-1/8" including setting. Includes an 18" Sterling Silver chain.

Clear Quartz is revered as the master healing stone, aligning and balancing all the chakras for optimal wellness.  

Moldavite was formed in a meteoric impact in southern Germany about 15 million years ago. Moldavite is a stone born of Earth and Sky. Prized for centuries and one of the rarest minerals on Earth, Moldavite has an extremely high vibrational energy.

Known as a stone of spiritual evolution and transformation, Moldavite helps to bring a calming and positive energy while helping to open and clear blocks in all energy centers, especially the Heart Chakra, Third Eye and Crown chakras.  It's an ideal meditation stone and excellent for setting intentions. 

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Silver enhances & stimulates your psychic awareness and abilities while it intensifies the energies surrounding love, compassion, patience, and nurturing. Silver enhances the connection between you and the stone, smoothing the flow of energy between you and this Earth Heart Crystal.

Nicely packaged in a black velvet box. Also includes clearing and programming directions as prescribed by Marcel Vogel.


Clear Quartz
Solar Plexus
Third Eye