Healing Crystals & Their Meanings

Crystals are the Earth’s timekeeper, the elemental artifacts created over thousands of years. The life-giving effects of water washing over molecules of sand to create wafers and layers that assemble an architecture of frozen light. Within each layer is a record of the Earth held and ready to transmit the wisdom of the Great Mother spirit of our planet.
Each one of these amazing elements speak in their own language, calling out to those who hear them and who agree to be their keepers for a brief period of time. Crystals are transducers, memory devices, information storage containers, transmitters, amplifiers, and computers.
Crystal therapy has been used since ancient times to create energy movement within the human body. An amazing method of using crystals to clear energy channels in order to bring balance is found in a process developed by Dr. Marcel Vogel, a spiritual scientist who worked for IBM for twenty-seven years before founding Psychic Research Inc.
Crystals are the second most abundant element found in the Earth’s crust, next to oxygen. The natural form of a crystal is a six-sided prism with a terminated end, the same six-sided configuration is held by all water and energy molecules.
Crystals are indeed frozen light.

Amethyst is a calming and meditative stone. It works to enhance intuition and psychic powers. It promotes peace, happiness and contentment and is an excellent protection stone against psychic attack, especially when used during spiritual work.
Amethyst is thought to be the "All healing" stone as it is beneficial in the healing of people plants and animals and especially effective in healing addictions and destructive compulsive behavior.
• Crown
• Third Eye
Energetic Properties
• Healing of people, plants and animals, addictions and destructive compulsive behavior
• Enhance intuition and psychic powers
• Promotes serenity, contentment, peace
• Protection against psychic attack
• Aquarius
• Pisces
• Aries
• Sagittarius

Many revere Citrine as the “Success Stone” and “The Happy Stone” as it is thought to enhance the flow of energy of money, clarity, positivity and transformation to those who work with this beautiful stone. Citrine is one of the stones of abundance and prosperity. It's also a happy and generous stone that amplifies sharing and good will.
It's believed that Citrine does not hold any negative energy therefore not requiring the clearing as does other quartz crystal, making it a wonderful healing tool for practitioners and energy healers. This stone is energizing and recharging of one's entire chakra system.
• Solar plexus
• Sacral
• Crown
Energetic Properties
• For increasing clarity, transformation and positivity
• Promotes abundance and prosperity
• Amplifies good will, happiness and sharing
• Aries
• Gemini
• Libra
Clear Quartz

Clear quartz crystal is the highest gift of our Mother Earth that can be a powerful healing crystal of manifestation used to activate and energize the key energy centers within the body. Often considered a universal healing crystal, clear quartz crystal is a universal energy channeler.
It amplifies, balances and focuses thoughts and intentions and is beneficial for healing, manifesting, meditation and channeling. Clear quartz crystal will help to open mind and heart to receive guiding energies as it amplifies intentions and the energy as programmed.
• All
Energetic Properties
• The “Universal Healing Crystal”
• Can activate, energize all energy centers in the body
• Amplifies, balances our thoughts and intentions
• Beneficial for healing, manifesting, meditating and channeling
• All

While Black Obsidian is the most well-known of the Obsidian crystals, there are several varieties of Obsidian that are variously colored. A naturally occurring volcanic glass that cooled very quickly, obsidian is not a classic quartz but a naturally occurring glass. All Obsidian varieties are protective, shielding you against negativity energy and working to guard against energy blocks that prevent you from continuing in your spiritual journey.
Black Obsidian
A strongly protective stone, Black Obsidian is also known for its truth-enhancing power. It can form a barrier against negativity and help block psychic attack. It’s often used to absorb negative energy from the surrounding environment.
Black Obsidian is often used to stimulate the root Chakra, harmonizing and balancing with the other energies in the body and creating a connection to the deeper layers of our Mother Earth. Use it to delve into the deeper soul and body connection, soul clarity and clearing blockages and negative energy from the past.
Blue Obsidian
Natural Blue Obsidian is found in a few locations over the world, primarily in Tibet, Morroco, and Greece. It's useful in cultivating serenity and patience and helpful in the pursuits of divination insight and the correction of misinterpretation. This stone is also a good tool for cleansing of negative mental influence.
Green Obsidian
This lush stone connects the Heart and Throat Chakra by releasing stress, providing clarity and serenity. Also thought to stimulate creativity and abundance.
Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is often called the "Love Stone”. Its energetic hallmark - unconditional love - opens the heart chakra. Rose quartz may enhance every kind of love including self love, romantic or platonic love, family and friend love. Bringing in love enhances all aspects of life. It is also considered useful in easing the process of dying by bringing in unconditional love of the Divine.
Rose quartz can be useful in dream work and recall. Physically, rose quartz is believed to the heart and circulatory system as well as lungs by lowering stress in the body in the area of the heart chakra.
• Heart
Energetic Properties
• “Love Stone”
• Unconditional love
• Enhances every kind of love
• Dream work and recall
• Taurus
• Cancer
Smoky Quartz

This soothing, umber-colored healing crystal can protect and ground providing physical and psychic protection from negative energy as it transmutes negative energy into positive energy.
Smoky Quartz Crystal works unendingly to correct imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with an emphasis on the Solar Plexus or third chakra.
• Root
• Solar Plexus
Energetic Properties
• Protection against negative energy
• Correct energetic imbalances
• Grounding and centering
• Capricorn