Meditations Compilation Set

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Meditations Compilation 

Each recording begins with a spoken meditation by Russell Forsyth then continues with a one-minute, three-minute, or 5-minute segment. Each segment features the vibrational sounds of seven different 432 Hz Crystal Singing Bowl, all designed to balance the energy centers known as chakras. 

The one-minute per chakra recording includes:
• The Beauty of Breath - breathe in love and breathe away stress
• Tranquility - a place filled with peace
• Wholeness - putting the pieces together

The three-minute per chakra recording includes:
• Full Body Zen - bringing balance through breath
• The Astral Plane - a dimension with endless beauty
• Chakras - a journey of light and sound
• Relaxation - reaching peace at a cellular level
• Magic Garden - beyond the veil in your private sanctuary
• Spirit Release - letting go of unhealthy attachments

The five-minute per chakra recording includes:
• Atlantis - across the rainbow is a place of beauty
• Earth Cave - create your new life from the magic of the Middle Earth
• Michael's Pyramid - explore the Solar System with a trusted guide
• River of Light - immerse yourself into the full spectrum of light
• Secret Garden - Plant the seeds for your future
• Medicine Wheel - inside the sacred circle
• Soul Retrieval -returning to sovereignty 

Each meditation is designed to help you drop into a relaxed state of being, then receive a sound bath for every major energy center. There are seven major energy centers and each one has divine purpose and anatomical connections. You can select a meditation that includes one minute of sound vibration per chakra for a daily tune-up, three minutes per chakra for medium level experience, or five minutes per chakra for a deep cleanse and balance experience.

Using intentions to begin the mediation makes you the zen archer hitting your target. Intentions are important in that they represent your heart’s connection to the infinite wisdom of the Universe. The use of intention puts you in command of your natural ability to heal, which every person possesses.

Using the meditations without intention can be fun, but for best results we recommend taking a moment to express your needs or desires. You can write them down for clarity, but intentions are best expressed through thoughts that enter the heart through breath. Take a moment to clear your mind and express your intent in a way that feels warm mint the heart. Create a visual that helps drop the intention into the heart.

Here's a list of example intentions:

My intention is to...
・clear any negative energy
・open my heart to love 
・fill every cell in my body with light
・clear, charge, and balance my energy centers
・feel connected to divinity 
・release all tension in the body
・return to normalized sleeping patterns
・heal any part of my soul that has been affected by trauma
・release any agreements or contracts that influence an imbalance
・remove anything that influences anger, negative or unwanted thoughts
・cut any cords of negative attachment
・manifest wellness in the body, mind, and spirit
・trade all pain in the body for peace 
・integrate and transform these new frequencies with grace and ease
・change any conditions needed to bring wellness
・experience a positive shift and a beneficial result
・raise my life-force energy
・transform my life to align with my core purpose
・manifest my dream job.

The more creative your intentions, the better the results can be. You can use intentions to target a diagnosis or to compliment your current medical treatments. Studies have shown that energy balancing can enhance traditional healing protocols.

Description of each meditation:

The Beauty of Breath ~ breathe in love and breathe away stress
The Breathing meditation features one minute of seven different 432Hz crystal singing bowl sounds designed to balance the major energy centers known as chakras. With an opening focused on breath, you will easily drop into a relaxed state of being. The perfect pitch sounds will bring light-filled balance to the body, mind, and spirit.  

Tranquility ~ a place filled with peace
The Tranquility meditation features one minute of seven different 432Hz crystal singing bowl sounds designed to clear, charge, and balance the energy centers. With an opening focused on relaxation, you will easily release stress and tension. The perfect pitch sounds will open the the tubes of energy in the body, mind, and spirit.  

Wholeness ~ Putting the pieces together
The Puzzle meditation features one minute of seven different 432Hz crystal singing bowl sounds designed to bring attract fragments of consciousness. Trauma scatters the energy across the etheric field. With an opening focused on putting together a puzzle, you will easily drop into focus of putting everything in order. The perfect pitch sounds will bring light-filled energy that soothes the soul.  

Full Body Zen ~ bringing balance through breath
The Full Body Zen meditation features three minutes of seven different 432Hz crystal singing bowls sounds designed to balance the major energy centers through breath and intention. With an opening focused on full-body breathing, you will easily drop into a relaxed and receptive meditative state. The perfect pitch sounds offer resonant frequencies that effectively balance to the body, mind, and spirit.  

The Astral Plane ~ a dimension with endless beauty
The Astral Plane meditation delivers the perfect amount of 432Hz crystal singing bowls sounds with a journey through the imagination. With opening imagery designed to through nature to safely enter to the Astral Plane, you will walk through a portal to another dimension where all manifestation is possible. You will easily drop-in to a relaxed meditative state as you stretch out on a rainbow pillow. The perfect pitch sounds will create a prism of light-filled energy for the body, mind, and spirit.  

Chakras ~ a journey of light and sound
The Chakra meditation features the resonant frequencies of 3 minutes on seven different 432Hz bowls sounds designed to stimulate balance of the major energy centers known as chakras. With opening imagery created to instill the matching waves that color has to sound. Allow yourself to be bathed in oscillating sound waves used by ancient cultures to balance the body, mind, and spirit. With ease and grace, you can drop into a relaxed meditative state as you experience a holographic recalibration of human energy systems.

Relaxation ~ reaching peace at a cellular level
The Relaxation meditation features 3 minutes of each of the resonant frequencies of seven different 432Hz bowls sounds designed to stimulate balance of the major energy centers known as chakras. With opening imagery designs to help release tension and anxiety, the relaxation meditation can take you to a cellular level of peace. Allow yourself to be bathed in oscillating sound waves used by ancient cultures to balance the body, mind, and spirit. With ease and grace, you can drop into a relaxed meditative state as you experience a holographic recalibration of human energy systems.  Reboot the system for a refreshing approach to issues of life.

Magic Garden ~ beyond the veil in your private sanctuary 
The Magic Garden meditation features 3 minutes on each crystal singing bowl sound with a perfect 432hz pitch designed to open the energy channels to evenly distribute life-force energy. With opening imagery created to place you in the sanctuary, we call your magic garden. Bathe in the peaceful soothing sounds surrounded by your spirit team lifting you into the upper vibrations. In your magic garden there is no veil, only a human spirit thirsting for balance with a momentary escape from the stressful world. Easily drop into a relaxed meditative state as you are guided to experience the safety of your magic garden. Experience your ancestors, guides, angels, and animal spirits, as you sound time in your personal garden of life.

Spirit Release ~ letting go unhealthy attachments
The Spirit Release meditation is designed to help with your intended release from an unhealthy attachment. Anything that takes the form of an energetic parasite, cord of attachment, an addiction, or behavior that is misaligned with your core, will be gently release using the vibrations of love and frequencies of light. You will be bathed in the peaceful soothing sounds of crystal singing bowls while surrounded by the powerful Archangels. A column of light vacuums any unwanted energies into the ethers while filling ever cell in the body with a golden light.  Experience your ancestors, guides, angels, and animal spirits, as you rest in the pillar of light while surrounded by Archangels.

Atlantis ~ across the rainbow is a place of beauty 
The Atlantis meditation features 5 minutes on each perfect pitch 432Hz bowls sounds designed to help with your intended focus for healing, restoration, or flow of balanced energy. Travel across the rainbow on the back of a dolphin before entering the waterways of Atlantis. You will be surrounded by helpers that lift you from the dolphin guide, then lead yo  to a table with dancing crystal lights. Bathe in the magic and mystery of the famed lost city of Atlantis. Some experience a remembrance of their lost lives in this ancient city, as they are comforted by the presence of sea creatures that gathering beneath the clear crystalline floor. Experience the city of Atlantis and the healing journey with an animal spirit as your guide. This meditation is for a deep cleansing and balancing in the backdrop of the amazing imagery offered by the city of Atlantis.

Earth Cave ~ create your new life from the magic of the Middle Earth  
The Earth Cave meditation features five minutes of balancing for the energy centers using seven different 432Hz singing bowls sounds. This sound bath is designed to help with your intended focus for healing trauma, rebirthing, grounding, awakening or connecting with the Divine Mother/Father energy. Travel through the desert to find the magic beneath the surface as you explore the magic and mystery of the Earth Cave. Deep inside the Middle Earth you fill find the purple flame that illuminates all of life while in the womb of the great Mother spirit of our Earth. Some will experience the first breath of their new life and a new beginning through a holographic repatterining and recalibration. Take a healing journey with the mother of creation who offers a deep cleansing from the healing energy found in the Earth Cave.

Michael’s Pyramid ~ explore the Solar System with a trusted guide
Archangel Michael’s Purple Pyramid meditation features a deep cleanse experience with 432Hz crystal singing bowls. Take flight across the Solar System in the comfort and safety of Michael’s incredible flying machine. Travel through past the Moon into deep space on the way to Jupiter and the seat of Creation. The safety of being surrounded by light beings offers the opportunity to manifest your dreams. Jupiter’s energy offers no blocks or resistance as it beckons you to be clear about your intended manifestations.  Experience a healing journey with the most well-known Archangel, who cuts through negativity to help deliver your intended outcome. 

River of Light ~ immerse yourself into the full spectrum of light
The River of Light meditation features a long deep cleanse of each energy center using seven different 432Hz crystal singing bowls. Energy filled vibrations helps you bathe in the rainbow colors of water, light, and sound. The river will wash away the past and deliver true freedom from emotional burdens. Children will playfully remove your armor to allow the energy of love to heal the past and open your heart to the future. Letting go often requires an intentional process that integrates the lessons of the last with the hope for the future.  Experience a cleansing moment and deep healing that only the river of light can facilitate.

Secret Garden ~ plant the seeds for your future
The Secret Garden meditation 5 minutes on each of the seven different full tone 432Hz crystal singing bowls designed to open the energy channels for even distribution of life-force energy. With opening imagery created to transport you to a sacred space that is your Secret Garden, you will be bathed in the peaceful soothing sounds while surrounded by your team of Light. Behind the walls of your Secret Garden, you can visit the area of the garden related to the aspects of life. Health, relationships, finances, career, and family are represented by the different areas dedicated to growth in the most vital aspect of life. Satisfy your thirst in the search for balance of the body, mind, and spirit. You will easily drop into a relaxed meditative state as you experience the safety of your garden beneath the majestic tree providing a grounding force in your life.  Experience your deepest level of peace within the walls of your Secret Garden.

Medicine Wheel ~  inside the sacred circle
The Medicine Wheel meditation features 5 minutes on each of the 432Hz crystal singing bowls designed to stir ancient memories of holistic healing. With opening imagery created to transport you to a sacred mountaintop Medicine Wheel, you will climb a mountain with the animal spirit guide of your choice. Energy as medicine is available inside the Medicine Wheel, which provide an etheric destination where information can be found and disharmony can be released.  Experience the Native American tradition of using nature and ceremony for a deep cleansing experience with your tribe. 

Soul Retrieval ~ returning to sovereignty 
Soul Retrieval is one of the most ancient and effective method of holistic healing. Human energy fractures under the stress of a traumatic experience. Sensitive people often leave a part of themselves behind during intense experiences that others would not consider traumatic. This meditation guides you on a journey of healing to welcome any part of you that is remote back into your mind/body space.  Strong intentions and the ability to open your heart to receive the energy of love, would provide the stabilizing force of spiritual healing from the experiences of the past.