Smoky Quartz Chakra Mala Bracelet, 12mm Beads

Size: 17 12mm Beads
Energetic Properties: Root Chakra • Protection • Stability • Mental Focus • Balance
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Smoky Quartz Mala Bracelet

Increase your vibration with Chakra Malas. An ancient energy healing tool, Mala Beads are used with the intention of focusing your mind on the practice of counting mantras. In certain cultures, Mala Beads are used as rosary beads or worry beads. Whatever your desire, these beautiful beads will bring joy and focus to your meditation practice.  

Smoky Quartz crystal is known for its grounding properties offering stability by balancing the root chakra. By boosting your auric field, it can help move you forward from tough situations and to protect you from unwanted energies. Its cleansing and purging effects allow for a release of negative thought patterns that keep us from moving forward. All of these attributes make it a perfect stone to combine with your practice using Mala beads.

The strand is 8 inches long with 17 round Smoky Quartz beads, each bead is approx 12 mm in diameter.

Smoky Quartz
Solar Plexus