432 & 440 Hz Crystal Singing Bowls
How Are They Different?  

Crystal Singing Bowls

Even though the human ear can’t distinguish the pure tones (tonal) difference between 440 Hz (typical musical instrument tuning) and 432 Hz, the alternative mode of 432 Hz in tuning musical instruments and sounding tools can result in a deeper vibrational healing experience.


Compared to the common 440 Hz, 432 Hz is said to be more in tune with the laws of nature. It resonates with the “golden ratio” and is mathematically consistent with the universe. 

432 Hz moves Middle C closer to 256 Hz, a multiple of 8 Hz which is considered the “the heartbeat of earth”. 


Both 440 Hz and 432 Hz have been used effectively to align frequencies in the human body and to balance the chakras. An argument can been made that no one frequency can claim to be the one magic healing frequency that works for everyone.


432 Hz connects in many ways to universal numbers, to sacred sites across the earth, to Christ energy to different spiritual aspects as it relates to numbers and sacred geometries. These connections go back centuries through ancient civilizations - Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, Avenbury and many others.


When hearing a 432 Hz pure tone, some people have seen in their minds eye sacred geometric shapes. You can see the different geometric shapes of 432 Hz vs 440 Hz on sound plates. Several demonstrations of this phenomen are on YouTube; here is one example.

In general, 432 Hz seems to move people in deeper ways than 440 Hz. As people in our tests listen and move in and around the room, 432 Hz seems to connect with their own internal harmony bringing them an internal peace that they feel inside their heart, inside their bodies.


Should you choose 432 Hz or 440 Hz?
If you’ve not experienced the difference between 432 and 440 Hz, there are many Youtube videos demonstrating the difference. Use your own feelings and senses to hear and feel the different sounds. Go where your heart leads you.